Pay to Play

Trotta claims he refuses campaign contributions from individuals or organizations that do business with the county. This is a flat-out lie. In fact, some organizations that donate appear to receive monetary favors while he's in office. 

Trotta received a large donation from the president and CEO of Northwell Health. Since that contribution, Northwell Health has received more than $350,000 in grants since 2018. This figure does not even account for the “unspecified” funding they've gotten from the legislature. 

Trotta has warned that special interest money is corrupting Suffolk county politics, yet he opposed the creation of a matching funds campaign finance system designed to empower small-dollar contributors.

Trotta has accepted at least $5,860 from donors who conduct business within the county. Many of these donors also lobby our legislature directly. What other favors has Trotta done for special interests? 

