
Legislator Trotta’s largest donors, businessmen Charles Reichert and Michael Rosato, were given Board Seats and their family members paid thousands to help Trotta's campaign. Reichert and Rosato returned the favor by hiring Trotta's son in 2016.

Trotta even interfered with a landfill contract because his donor's bid wasn't selected first

Conflict of interests? Or pay to play?

In announcing his run for a fifth term, he said “I hate to say that I dwell on corruption, but I do.”  

Trotta’s two largest donors are the proprietors of local supermarkets. They employed his son and served as the treasurer on his campaign. Trotta has used his office to prop them up and name them to boards or name public buildings after them.

He even successfully delayed a vote to sell a tax-delinquent landfill in his district after his donor’s offer was rejected by the county.

Trotta was sued on seven separate occasions and continued to commit misconduct. Trotta has been accused of illegally searching and seizing money from individuals during stops as an officer. He stopped, searched, and seized $16,000 from an individual who was not charged with a crime. This individual filed a complaint to recover the money. The complaint stated Trotta was "ill tempered" and had "the propensity to commit" violations based on previous lawsuits and complaints against him.' 

Someone who uses his position as an officer to take advantage of people should not have the platform of being an elected official. Trotta has taken advantage of his authority time after time. 


Pay to Play

