Our Concerns

Stephen Oh Stephen Oh

Pay to Play

Trotta claims he refuses campaign contributions from individuals or organizations that do business with the county. This is a flat-out lie. In fact, some organizations that donate appear to receive monetary favors while he's in office. 

Trotta received a large donation from the president and CEO of Northwell Health. Since that contribution, Northwell Health has received more than $350,000 in grants since 2018…

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Stephen Oh Stephen Oh


In announcing his run for a fifth term, he said “I hate to say that I dwell on corruption, but I do.”

Trotta’s two largest donors are the proprietors of local supermarkets. They employed his son and served as the treasurer on his campaign. Trotta has used his office to prop them up and name them…

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Stephen Oh Stephen Oh


Trotta doesn’t even show up at the hospital when officers are injured on the job.

Trotta has a history of taking advantage of his authority as a police officer. Unlawfully arresting people, seizing money from individuals during traffic stops, intimidating defendants, and a history of committing violations while on the job.

Trotta ran on backing the blue and being pro public safety. However, at every turn, he has attempted to reform policing in Suffolk County - making it harder for cops to do their jobs. Trotta voted against…

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Stephen Oh Stephen Oh


Trotta has a long and well documented pattern of hypocrisy as a public official. While preaching fiscal conservatism and voting against job-creating economic development subsidies, Trotta has bragged about securing $40,000 in funding for an Eagles cover-band concert.

Trotta claims to be a fiscal conservative who wants to take on corruption, but he collected over $200,000 for unused vacation and sick time after leaving the police department for the legislature and has double-dipped every subsequent year, collecting both his $100,000 salary and $93,000 pension…

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Stephen Oh Stephen Oh

Violent Threats, Intimidation, Bullying.

Rob Trotta has demonstrated his bad character in every public position he's had. As a police officer, he has been named as a defendant in seven federal human rights lawsuits, and a judge has even chastised him for "egregious behavior" for meddling in a case. One complaint stated, when Trotta was confronted for conducting an illegal search and seizure, he responded, "l don't give a f**k"; and was later forced to return the items he seized. In fact, Trotta…

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Stephen Oh Stephen Oh


Trotta has shown time and time again, he does not want to protect the children of Suffolk County. He went so far as to vote against measures to protect children from sex offenders. In 2018, Trotta was the only legislator to oppose funding a public safety rapid response project to "streamline and centralize emergency responses to K-12 schools." Trotta even voted against establishing a School Traffic Zone Safety Commission…

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Absent Legislator

Rob Trotta has a history of serving Suffolk County as an absent legislator. When campaign season comes around, he says he backs the blue and he fights corruption- but he doesn’t show up when his community needs him most.

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Trotta’s own party can’t trust him.

Republican In Name Only Rob Trotta was denounced by the Conservative Party Leaders for aiding and abetting the Democratic Socialists of America, as highlighted by the New York Times

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