
Trotta doesn’t even show up at the hospital when officers are injured on the job.

Trotta has a history of taking advantage of his authority as a police officer. Trotta is accused of unlawfully arresting people, seizing money from individuals during traffic stops, intimidating defendant’s, and a history of committing violations while on the job. 

Trotta ran on backing the blue and being pro public safety. However, at every turn he has attempted to reform policing in Suffolk County- making it harder for cops to do their jobs. Trotta voted against the community protection act. Trotta sponsored legislation to raise the bar of entry into the Suffolk County Police Department. Trotta also requested the DOJ to oversee the day-to-day operations of the Police Department. 

Trotta also backed legislation to authorize the county to sue to recoup salary and benefits from ex-officers. In this case, ex-chief James Burke… All while still taking his pension from the police fund. 

While serving as a detective, Trotta leaked materials from the police department to the press for his own personal gain. Losing the trust of the colleagues.

Trotta doesn’t care about protecting our community, he cares about himself.

Trotta has spent his career backstabbing his colleagues. As an officer, detective and now as a legislature. Doing whatever it takes for his personal gain. Is this who you want representing you? 



