
Trotta has a long and well documented pattern of hypocrisy as a public official. While preaching fiscal conservatism and voting against job-creating economic development subsidies, Trotta has bragged about securing $40,000 in funding for an Eagles cover-band concert. 

Trotta claims to be a fiscal conservative who wants to take on corruption, but he collected over $200,000 for unused vacation and sick time after leaving the police department for the legislature and has double-dipped every subsequent year, collecting both his $100,000 salary and $93,000 pension. Trotta's only defense to criticism on this issue is to cynically note that other double-dippers have larger pensions.

Think this is bad? Trotta has shown he is easily influenced by special interest groups. 

Despite claiming that he does not accept campaign contributions from “any person or organization that does business with the county," Trotta has taken at least $5,860 from donors who fit this description. Furthermore, Trotta has condemned independent expenditures conducted by labor unions, but was happy to accept contributions in the form of political mailers from the Robert Mercer-funded Reclaim New York.

When the money talks, its clear that Rob Trotta is willing to do or say anything. 

  1. https://tbrnewsmedia.com/suffolk-county-legislative-candidates-battle-for-control-singer-aims-to-unseat-trotta/




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