Violent Threats, Intimidation, Bullying.

Rob Trotta has demonstrated his bad character in every public position he's had. As a police officer, he has been named as a defendant in seven federal human rights lawsuits. One complaint stated, when Trotta was confronted for conducting an illegal search and seizure, he responded, "l don't give a f**k"; and was later forced to return the items he seized. In fact, Trotta has been accused of many illegal seizures as an officer of the law.  

Trotta has also shown his true character as a public official, where on at least two separate occasions, Trotta has been accused of physically threatening another government employee. In one instance, Trotta "threatened to break” an employee's arm and was escorted off of the premises by security personnel. Trotta attempted to deflect blame for his violent behavior by claiming that his coworker “was looking for a fight” and that he “responded accordingly."

Trotta has shown disregard for the rights of citizens and the personal safety of his coworkers for his entire professional career. How do you think he will treat his constituents? 



