Meet The “real” Rob Trotta

If you listen to Trotta, he’d have you believe that he was a cop’s cop and a dedicated public servant.

But he never was.

In truth, Trotta focuses on pursuing personal vendettas,

and fighting his Republican colleagues.

Trotta has a history of abuse and violence.

The Truth?

Rob Trotta is the kind of elected official and former police officer who’d make you ashamed of how your tax dollars are being spent.

Rob Trotta runs on the fact that he was a Suffolk County cop, 

But his tenure was marred by corruption

Illegal searches and seizures. Multiple Lawsuits.

His colleagues couldn’t trust him on or off the job. If he had personal information on his colleagues, he’d leak it to get himself good press. 

If it benefited him, Trotta would do it. 

So Trotta went into politics.

Public employees have accused him of threatening to beat them up if he didn’t get his way.

Trotta secretly records conversation with Police Commissioner and then threatens decorated officer with the release

Trotta has spent the last decade looking to run for higher office, while not even voting to keep his community safe.

Rob Trotta votes against legislation to keep his community safe. Trotta has opposed measures to protect children from sex offenders, voted against toxic waste cleanup, and voted against creating new health centers. 

Trotta's personally collected over a million dollars in public funds while working part-time.

Trotta’s got some deal as long as we, the citizens, pay the bills, and continue to pick up his tab.

Trotta's colleagues including republicans and conservatives have chastised him 

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